

Sure, you know a million apps … do you know any computer science?

Computer Science is the study of computation built on fascinating (and beautiful!) principles. Computer science concepts apply in many fields: graphics, art & design, math, knowledge representation, engineering, biology, markets, and many more. Use the power of computing in your career!



Week 1, January 9 - 13  kaleidoscope


Week 2: January 16 - 20 (lab sections not held on Monday, a holiday)

Field of Flowers


Week 3: January 23 - 27

number game


Week 4: January 30 - February 3brick wallWhole Internet Catalog



Week 5: February 6 - 10



Week 6: February 13 - 17



Week 7: February 20 - 24 (lab sections not held on Monday, a holiday)snowflakefractal tree


Week 8: February 27 - March 3

Week 9: March 6 - 10Huffman coding tree

  • Topic: Sorting and Complexity
  • Snap: None - homework handout on Data Representation, Logic, Huffman Coding, Binary Numbers

Week 10: March 13 - 18

Final Schedule

  • Thursday, March 23, 8am - 11am